Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Developing Android Applications with Adobe AIR

Book Description

Put your ActionScript 3 skills to work building mobile apps. This book shows you how to develop native applications for Android-based smartphones and tablets from the ground up, using Adobe AIR. You learn the entire development process hands-on, from coding specific functions to options for getting your app published.

Start by building a sample app with step-by-step instructions, using either Flash Professional or Flash Builder. Then learn how to useActionScript libraries for typical device features, such as the camera and the accelerometer. This book includes ready-to-run example code and a case study that demonstrates how to bring all of the elements together into a full-scale working app.

Book Details

Publisher:O'Reilly Media
By:Veronique Brossier
File size:2.3 MB
File format:PDF


Download:Developing Android Applications with Adobe AIR

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